For product data sheets and installation instructions, COSHH data etc.
View Downloads PageCE Marking of construction products covered by harmonised European Standards (hEN) has been a legal requirement for some time now. The EU Construction Products Regulation (No. 305/2011) (CPR) specifies the conditions for the supply of many construction products which is written into UK law and it replaces the existing Construction Products Directive (CPD) which was voluntary for products sold in the UK. Using these standards, a manufacturer is then empowered to make a declaration of performance (DoP) of their products, as defined in the CPR. The CPR harmonises the methods of testing and assessment of products through the harmonised European Standards and creates a performance bar for manufacturers to measure their products to and also a common format for the information to be expressed. From the information contained in the DoP, the user is the able to decide to select a product - please visit their website for further information.